This means the colour of the masthead can be changed to suit a selected image without losing brand recognition.
As cover images would rarely, if ever, be commissioned but purchased from photo libraries, there is always the chance they might clash with the colours of the masthead so, as finding the perfect subject matter likely to fit with a particular colour scheme can be time-consuming, we suggested a strong graphic style that can still be recognisable no matter the colour used.
On being aquired by Clarion Events, a more professional approach was decided upon and the magazine style, masthead and logo was revamped with a new, clean and colourful look.
Feedfront is the magazine and website of the international Affiliate Summit conferences. The magazine is mainly industry-sourced articles giving tips and advice to the affiliate community written by thought leaders and commentators.
Feedfront is the magazine and website of the international Affiliate Summit conferences. The magazine is mainly industry-sourced articles giving tips and advice to the affiliate community written by thought leaders and commentators.
On being aquired by Clarion Events, a more professional approach was decided upon and the magazine style, masthead and logo was revamped with a new, clean and colourful look.
As cover images would rarely, if ever, be commissioned but purchased from photo libraries, there is always the chance they might clash with the colours of the masthead so, as finding the perfect subject matter likely to fit with a particular colour scheme can be time-consuming, We suggested a strong graphic style that can still be recognisable no matter the colour used. This means the colour of the masthead can be changed to suit a selected image without losing brand recognition.